The field of surgery includes the prevention, detection, conservative and surgical treatment, aftercare and rehabilitation of surgical diseases, injuries and the consequences of injuries as well as congenital and acquired changes in shape and malformations of the vessels, internal organs including the heart, the supporting and musculoskeletal organs and oncological surgery , reconstructive and transplant surgery. General surgery is a part of surgery that includes basic surgical care (“basic surgery”) as well as parts of accident, visceral and vascular surgery.
Electrosurgery is the most common surgical procedure in the operating room. Surgical diathermy is also referred to as electrosurgery in the narrower sense (high-frequency surgery). In almost every operating room in the world there is an electrosurgical device that is used in all interventional disciplines, both in inpatient and in private practice. Numerous electrosurgical instruments are available to the user – for open surgical, laparoscopic and flexible endoscopic interventions.
The ENT – English ENT, international ORL – deals with diseases, injuries, consequences of injuries, malformations and functional disorders of the ears, the upper airways, the oral cavity, the pharynx, the larynx, the lower airways and the esophagus. Ear, nose and throat surgery is delicate, complex and extremely precise. In the field of ear, nose and throat medicine, we at RZ Medizintechnik offer a very extensive range of products for diagnostic and surgical treatment.
We have made it our task to offer you a central system for endoscopic applications with all the necessary medical equipment, an equipment trolley and high-tech monitors. Our line of devices impresses with the latest technologies, ergonomic, easy operation and an attractive, uniform design. To ensure a high level of surgical and patient safety, all our devices can be operated intuitively by the entire surgical team.
Microsurgery is a surgical technique that developed from minimally invasive surgery, vascular and hand surgery. The surgeon works in the surgical field with a high-magnification visual aid. Special instruments allow cuts and sutures in hard-to-reach areas with small dimensions. Microsurgery is used in interventions on small blood vessels, on the central nervous system and on peripheral nerves, in all ear, nose and throat and eye surgery. Hand surgery is a special field in plastic surgery, trauma surgery and orthopaedics. Microsurgery is used in hand surgery for replantations of limbs such as hand transplantation.
Neurosurgery deals with the detection and surgical treatment of diseases, malformations and injuries to the central and peripheral nervous system and has changed significantly in the last decade. RZ Medizintechnik has been developing modern and user-friendly instruments for neurosurgical interventions on the brain, spine, spinal cord and peripheral nerves since 1995. Our modular and versatile Yasargil retractor system offers the perfect basis for many neurological surgeries. Stainless steel instruments as well as titanium instruments are equally available. A large number of Phynox and Titan Yasargil aneurysm clips with the appropriate application forceps complete our product range.
The eye is constantly adjusted to the highest performance. Hardly any other sensory organ gives us so much information. Over 40 percent of all pathways in the central nervous system work for the eye. The treatment spectrum in ophthalmology ranges from diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva to squint treatment and pediatric ophthalmology to diseases of the retina and the optic nerve. When manufacturing products and instruments for ophthalmology, we at RZ Medizintechnik rely on quality and precision.
Orthopedics is a medical sub-discipline that deals with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These include health disorders of the bones, joints, muscles and tendons. Some of our orthopedic product highlights are our anatomically designed bone levers, carbide wire instruments, as well as a selection of gouge pliers and very sharp osteotomes that can be used with our medical hammers.
Plastic surgery includes aesthetic, cosmetic and functional interventions on organs or tissue parts. Using the latest surgical techniques, mainly the visible part of a body region is restored and adapted to the patient’s ideals. Plastic and aesthetic surgery is an interdisciplinary field that extends from dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery (ZMKG) and ENT to gynecology and arthroscopy. We at RZ Medizintechnik offer a wide range of products and solutions for practices, clinics and surgical teams worldwide